Friday, March 26, 2010

"Jadite" oil painting

I have been intrigued by the term 'glazing' in reference to painting lately. It is layers of paint thinned with medium to produce a luminescence... (at least that is my take on it.. just from reading about it) It requires a lot patience.. something I usually lack and therein lay the excitement for me! I have been thinking that i really need to slow down a bit and think a little more and this allowed me to do just that! This is a very different process from what I am used to doing, but my mother had just brought over these bowls of mine that she had at her house. I evidently had gotten them several years ago and planned to eBay them and never got that far.. then we moved.. she took them.. and to make a long story short.. there were these beautiful jadite bowls just begging to be painted! So this is my version of glazing.. not sure if it is a textbook example.. but it was fun to paint tighter and to slow down for once....

18" x 24"


Kaylyn Munro said...

I love this! Both the painting and the bowls! Jadite just begs to be painted!

I have two jadite bowls and want a full set, but it seems that everyone does and they are selling pretty pricey these days!

I'm messing with glazing, too. It is difficult after a wet into wet approach.

Unknown said...

I knew immediately even from the thumbnail that these were Jadite. Awesome job and good for you for trying something new!

Gilberto said...

Beautiful work Sally, Perhaps my age (Older) allows me the privilege to soot opinions, so be it. Your hunch is golden good; I now by now that life it’s made of trying new things… Why I can shut my mouth?

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

hello, this painting is lovely, I was drawn in by the dramatic lighting and the variety of greens from the jadite bowls. Bravo!

Laura said...

The lighting is great! I really like this one!

dominique eichi said...

This piece is amazing . It glows ! so very lovely.

Marco Folchi said...

Nice, lovely, well done, i really love it!!!!
Hugs, Marco.

jennifer woodburn said...

Wow! This is spectacular - they absolutely glow.

Vern Schwarz said...

Wow, I'm looking at a photograph here, only better of course, because it radiates. You figured out glazing in a hurry.

smartsiartsi said...

Love the glow!!! Awesome, Sally!!

smartsiartsi said...

Love the glow!!! Awesome painting, Sally!!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Aren't you glad you kept them?
They came out beautiful. Check out my friend Kelley MacDonald's recent Jadite painting. There's a link to her on my blog.