Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Small Works!

I have been loving painting smaller works over the last few weeks.  I got really excited over some small moody NYC scenes, and then earlier this week, I just really wanted to paint a bit tighter and found this ribbon candy that has been sitting in the studio for a year or more waiting for the right time.  (I wouldn't try to eat it, but it wasn't in bad shape considering! )  :)
How blessed I am to be able to do what I love!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!!

Carrying On  11" x 14" oil on panel

October Snow 8" x 8"  oil on panel
Evening Commute 6" x 6" oil on panel

Sunny Side of the Street  6" x 6" oil on panel

Ribbon Candy  12" x 12" oil on panel


MrCachet said...

Ribbon Candy, Oh my!

Cat said...

love love love all of these, especially the NYC.