Today I worked on the DSDF challenge while the boys put together the new basketball hoop! I definitely got the better end of the deal!! :) Tomorrow I am starting on a new glass painting and on Wednesday I will deliver paintings to Columbus just in time for this months gallery hop!! Woohoo!! Wish me luck!
Postings of my oil painting done on a daily basis...and occasional commentary of what's on my mind...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
This week has flown by.... I'm not sure where it went but I'm glad we get to sleep in tomorrow!! This painting took up quite a bit of my week. These are all bottles from the ravine. The one in front is a "Hinds honey and almond cream" bottle... In reality they are only a few inches tall, but this painting is 48" x 48". It was a lot of fun and while I wasn't painting this week, I foraged. I uncovered a few local milk bottles that I may paint next... the good old Ashland Sanitary Dairy.. Actually, I have uncovered enough bottles to keep me painting several lifetimes :) Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday, March 20, 2009
This is the piece I've been working on this week.. the same old dial phone along with my dad's old binoculars... This painting is fairly large- 36" x 60". I titled it "See no, Hear no, Speak no"... I will let it dry and then see if I need to come back with a little bit of finish work... but this is basically what it will look like!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
This painting has been sitting on our mantle to dry this week... (there is no room in the studio due to the abundance of treasures!) and it has been bothering me since I put it up there so today I took it down and added the cord off the right side of the painting.. I think it grounds the phone a bit.

Monday, March 16, 2009
This old phone is another treasure from my studio... Once upon a time we actually had it as a working phone... and the kids, being much younger and not realizing it was connected, dialed 911 on it... We had to have a little chit chat about it after the police called to see what our emergency was.. so now I have to keep it around... sentimental attachment :)
I believe this is a rebellion painting against all the detail of the last painting... nice and simple!! Titled "Call Me" 36" x 48"

Thursday, March 12, 2009
This week I was still excited to be painting glass and started a painting of three jars that we have excavated from the ravine. Not too far into the painting I realized that I really didn't like the composition but decided that I needed to finish it.... (I have issues with finishing things sometimes :/ ) ...just to get more experience with painting the glass.. and because I was already painting over a painting and I didn't think the canvas could hold another one...
So my lesson learned this week would be to really think about my composition before committing to it!
24" x 36"
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days... my computer had a nasty virus so I had to send it out to have it removed... GRRR!
I painted this last week but needed my photoshop program to be able to post it. This is a very cool old bottle.. this one is not from the ravine out back.. but I did find some old mason jars there this weekend that I am going to paint this week! I am amazed at how many old bottles have survived intact through 30-50 years of weather! It is always so much fun to dig out there... I never know what I will find!
I also painted a small piece for the Different Strokes challenge ... it seemed appropriate since that's what we had for dinner Saturday night! I love Sushi! 8"x 10"
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