Friday, December 30, 2011

Two recent paintings..

My New Year's resolution is to post more often and more images!  So I will start a day or two early with one painting that was a Christmas present, and one painting from our trip to NYC in Oct. when they had that freak snow storm!  Great photo ops there even though my husband and daughter were getting a little annoyed with all my picture taking. :)  But on the flip side, I have a whole lot that I'd like to paint from that trip... and they still love me!  It's all good!

It's Five O'clock Somewhere
12" x 9"

Against the Wind
60" x 36"


nancy said...

2 more fabulous paintings!
great glowing amber color on the beer, and i can smell the rain and feel the moisture on my face! keep up the painting, and the posting!

Matt said...

That's my beer! Thanks sweetie!

Sally Tharp said...

:) Yes it is! And you are very welcome! <3

kelijeandesign said...

Love Love Love "Against the Wind" Fantastic!!!

Sally Tharp said...

Thanks Keli! I may get the NYC series going eventually! :) I hope you are well! I miss speaking with you!

Dean H. said...

"Against The Wind" must be very impressive IRL! Great painting, Sally!

smartsiartsi said...

Love this!!!